Thursday 25th October | Doors Open 19:00
Address: 2 Audley Square | Mayfair | London W1K 1DB 

“He is a most talented pianist whose discipline and dedication are resolute. He already possesses the roots of a strong virtuoso technique and his intellectual curiosity and musicianship inspire sophisticated interpretations.”

- Prof. Gordon Fergus-Thompson

­Simo Sisevic is currently studying at the Royal College of Music in London, under the supervision of Prof. Gordon Fergus-Thompson. From an early age, he has attended many competitions in which he continuously performed with highest remarks or received a gold medal. He has been performing every summer, for the past 3 years, in his country of origin, Montenegro and has represented his country on many occasions and competitions including Windsor, Shkodra, Roma, Paris and more.  

Sisevic started playing the piano when he was six years old. After successfully completing primary and secondary music school, he was awarded the Best Student of Generation Award by the Montenegrin government for his talents in music. Going through a variety of musical experiences over the years confirmed to him that being a musician is a huge gift and a great responsibility, but most of all a special commitment, passion and love.

In collaboration with ProArt, GALLERY 106 would like to introduce this young talented pianist to the British audience.

GALLERY 106 and ProArt & Co are not-for-profit organisations which have dedicated most of their activities towards the advancement of education and the promotion of different cultures, arts and peoples from around the world, particularly those who live in Britain. We organise cultural events, art exhibitions, literary events, musical events and performing arts events.

The University Women’s Club, formerly the University Club for Ladies, is a British private members club founded in 1883.

For more information please contact or visit

Simo Sisevic’s CV and more details about his further engagements can be sent upon request.

  1. J.S.Bach Prelude and Fugue WTC1 no.12 f-minor (7’)

  2. L. van Beethoven Grande Sonata Pathetique op.13 no.8 c-minor (21’)

  3. F. Chopin Ballade op.47 no.3 A-flat major (8’)

  4. F. Chopin Scherzo op.31 no.2 b-flat minor (10’)

  5. S. Rachmaninov Moment Musicaux no.3 b-minor (7’)

  6. S. Rachmaninov Moment Musicaux no.4 e-minor (3’)